

Characteristics of a successful occupational therapy assistant (OTA) and OTA student include but are not limited to:

  • 采取积极的态度
  • Attentive to detail and thorough in task completion
  • Flexible and open to change in the program and variety in workplace
  • 函数s well in high stress situations
  • Works both as a member of a team but with little supervision at times
  • Open to working with individuals from a variety of backgrounds
  • Stable in temperament and caring in approach to others
  • Able to accept and implement feedback
  • 判断恰当 & 行为道德
  • Professional (behavior, dress, hygiene, and communication) and respectful of others 使用机智
  • Accepts personal responsibility


The following are standards for graduates of our OTA program. 如果你有残疾, 国外正规买球app官方版下载 will provide reasonable accommodations. Please contact the access resource coordinator at 816.604.4089或浏览 访问办公室 网站. Two-to six-week advance notice is required for some accommodations.

函数 标准 Some examples of necessary activities
流动性 Ability sufficient to assist clients to move from room to room, move over varied terrain, and provide safe and effective 客户关怀 in a timely 时尚.
  • Assist adults and children with transfers to/from a variety of surfaces and provide proper positioning for the clients independently and safely.
  • Transport adults and children in wheelchairs.
  • Transport and set up intervention and therapeutic equipment such as swings, balls, splint pans, prostheses, tub seats, portable commodes, etc.
  • 为客户提供物理支持.
  • engaging in treatment safely during treatment sessions.
精细运动技能 Fine motor abilities sufficient to provide safe and effective patient care in a timely 时尚.
  • Use instruments such as goniometers and strength gauges, safety devices, adaptive equipment in the care/treatment of clients
  • Construction of splints, adaptive equipment, as needed
听力 Auditory ability sufficient to monitor and assess 健康 needs of clients for safe 客户关怀.
  • Detect and respond independently to monitoring alarms, signs of client's distress such as a change in an client's pulse, blood pressure and/or a client's communication 痛苦的
视觉 Sufficient observation skills necessary for safe 客户关怀.
  • Detect and respond independently to warning signals from team members and/or clients of impending danger or emergency, i.e. a change in an individual's appearance, and/or an
  • individual's physical communication 痛苦的.
批判性思维 Critical thinking sufficient for clinical judgment.
  • Interpret and carry-out written and verbal communication often in stressful situations.
  • Identify cause-effect relationship to develop appropriate and safe intervention strategies 遵循OTR护理计划.
  • Determine when assistance from an OTR is needed
人际关系技巧 Interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with clients, families, groups, team members from a variety of social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds.
  • Establish rapport and maintain 职业al boundaries in relationships with clients/families 和他的同事们.
  • Work with a diverse client population including persons of various ages, ethnic, racial, religious, alternative lifestyle and socioeconomic backgrounds without prejudice.
  • Motivate and engage clients in treatment.
  • Ability to resolve conflict and to respond to feedback in a 职业al manner
  • Respond appropriately and effectively with abnormal behavior and/or threatening inappropriate or aggressive behavior(s) that maybe exhibited by clients.
  • Exhibit teamwork skills and a spirit of cooperation and respect for peers, faculty, supervisors and other 职业als, clients and their significant others.
  • 函数 as part of a team including consulting, negotiating, sharing and influencing.
沟通 沟通 abilities for interaction with others orally and in writing
  • Accurately present therapy findings/results/plan to clients/families and in team meetings.
  • Instruct client/family in OT treatment procedures.
  • Accurately document client progress notes, reports according to facility guidelines 和标准.
专业行为 Behavior consistent with the standards and core values of the occupational therapy 职业.
  • Regular attendance and timeliness.
  • Ability to self-assess and implement self-improvement strategies.
  • Ability to recognize and employ feedback from instructors and clinical partners; ability to give and receive feedback to enhance 职业al growth.
  • Conduct oneself in accordance with 职业al ethics.
  • Completion of activity to increase public awareness of occupational therapy and/or 健康.
  • Participation in community service activities.