Active Duty

Enroll and get benefits

我们尊重并欢迎那些目前正在为我们的国家服役的人, reserves and the National Guard. Stop by a veterans office (located in your campus 经济援助办公室)寻求个人帮助和获取信息.

If you are a veteran, we honor and welcome you. You can visit a veterans office (located 向学校的招生中心或经济援助办公室寻求个人帮助 to certify benefits and get information. You may also contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs by calling 1.888.442.4551 or visiting their

Steps to apply

Called to active duty

If You Are a Student

国外正规买球app官方版下载为符合要求的学生提供100%的学费和教科书退款 to active duty. 如果你已被激活或已收到军事转移命令 必须在学期结束前退课的,与学校联系 enrollment center for refund information. This can be done even after the last day to withdraw for the semester.

如果你在上个学期被征召入伍,但不能退出, 带着你的订单到学校招生中心去更改那学期的成绩 to withdrawals on your transcript.


服役人员将被重新录取,他们的学术地位与他们离开美国时相同 最后一次上学是在服兵役归来时.

If you are an employee

请与人力资源部联系,了解中冶集团在您过渡期间如何与您合作 to active duty.

Tuition assistance