Distinguished Alumni

国外正规买球app官方版下载 Distinguished Alumni Award

杰出校友奖是美国大学校友会颁发给校友的最高奖项 Metropolitan Community College Foundation. The award recognizes an alumnus who has 凭借专业成就、领导才能和社区精神,为学院带来荣誉 impact.

提名可以由当前的国外正规买球app官方版下载学生和员工以及社区提出 members. 被提名人的名字有效期为三年,之后提名作废 may be resubmitted. 提名确认书将寄给提名者. 提名将被接受,直到做出选择.

杰出校友将在全球十大外围足球平台排行的毕业典礼上领奖. A formal invitation will be sent to the honoree; attendance is mandatory. If the honoree 是死者,有人可以接受死后的奖励.

2024 国外正规买球app官方版下载 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient

达南·休斯,2024年杰出校友奖获得者达南·休斯是一位鼓舞人心的人,他在这两方面都取得了非凡的成功 his athletic and professional careers. His journey from a high school baseball player 对于一名职业运动员和受人尊敬的分析师来说,努力工作的力量, resilience, and leadership.

达南在爱荷华大学(University of Iowa)打棒球和踢足球 talents flourished. 休斯被密尔沃基酿酒人队选中,在职业球队待了两年 他先是打棒球,然后才做出了转向橄榄球的艰难决定. Drafted by the Kansas 休斯从1993年到1998年在城市酋长队打球,与名人堂成员乔·蒙塔纳,马库斯一起 Allen, and Derrick Thomas.

如今,达南·休斯是堪萨斯城酋长广播电台的色彩分析师, “球员专属”电台节目的主持人,也是唯一一位大学棒球色彩分析师, 足球和篮球跨越大10网络,ESPN和福克斯体育. Additionally, 他是CommunityAmerica Credit Union的抵押贷款发起人.

休斯和他结婚28年的妻子蒂芬妮住在李的山顶. They have five 孩子们(Jessicah, Joey, Taurin, Savvy和Talyn)和三个孙子孙女(Darrien, Daryn, and Daxton).

How to nominate

国外正规买球app官方版下载社区的任何成员都可以提名一位大都会社区学院的校友 by completing a nomination form. 请注意,被提名者仍将被提名三次 years after receipt of their nomination.

Nomination process

Are you ready to nominate?

Provide the following:

  1. Completed Distinguished Alumni Nomination Form (PDF)
  2. 提名获奖校友的求职信
  3. A vita or professional resume of the nominee
  4. 由提名人以外的个人提供的两封支持被提名人的信
  5. A list of awards and/or honors


国外正规买球app官方版下载 Foundation
ATTN: Distinguished Alumni Nomination
3200 Broadway
Kansas City, MO 64111

国外正规买球app官方版下载 alumni

自1916年第一届毕业班以来,我们的校友们都表现出色 in many fields. 这些只是国外正规买球app官方版下载发射的众多恒星中的一小部分 last century-plus.


Jake Blackwood, major league baseball player

Don Blim, M.D., renowned pediatrician

Allen Block, real estate icon


Alvin Brooks, social justice activist



William N. 德拉姆斯三世,堪萨斯城南方大学前校长

Carl DiCapo, community leader and restaurateur

Jean Dunn, philanthropist

Marvin Dunn, M.D.前堪萨斯大学健康系统心脏病专家


Steve Edwards, president and CEO, Black & Veatch

Denise Farris, founder, Farris Law Firm


Tyrone Flowers, founder, Higher M-Pact

达瑞尔·福斯托尔,密苏里州杰克逊县警长,前堪萨斯城, police chief

Jo Anne Gabbert, Gabbert and Associates的创始人

Christopher Gentile,霍尼韦尔联邦制造公司总裁 & Technologies

William G. Gray, judge

Mamie Hughes, community activist


Terin Humphrey, 2004 Olympic silver medalist

Mary Hunkeler, community volunteer


Clay Johnson, former NBA player


Jack Kilroy Sr., co-founder, Shughart Thomson & Kilroy PC


Brian Lincoln, Ultrax Aerospace Inc .联合创始人兼首席执行官.

Mark Long, president & CEO; Newark Zimmer

Matt Mason, U.S. Navy SEAL

Logan Morrison, major league baseball player


William Nofsinger, Nofsinger公司前总裁.


Fahteema Parrish, president & CEO, Parrish & Sons Construction

Norman Polsky, philanthropist


Albert Pujols, major league baseball player

Louis Quijas, president, Datong PLC; former assistant director, FBI

Charlie Shields, president and CEO, University Health; former Missouri Senate president pro tem

Edgar Snow, writer, Saturday Evening Post

Jon Stephens, president & CEO, Port KC 

Erik Timpson, Ph.D.霍尼韦尔联邦制造公司首席电气工程师 & Technologies


Henry Wash, founder, High Aspirations Inc.

Charles Wheeler, M.D., J.D., former Kansas City, Missouri, mayor
